Saturday, November 28, 2015


Sovereign God
A risk to take
All things made new
Beauty from the ashes
Beauty in brokenness
A life that matters
No longer an orphan
A baby now known
A daughter dearly loved
The samaritan offer
A selfless donor and family
A hero liver
Always, always hope
It was not "too late"
Toxins gone
Whites of eyes
Pruritus a distant memory
Miracles in the midst
Company on the crazy coaster
A community who rallies
Exceptional care
Meticulous in every detail
Liver families
Tender touch
Outpouring of love
Offers of help
Friendly smiles
Understanding of pain
Whispers of prayer
A new day dawning
Precious moments in time
Feelings of peace
The ability to choose
A source of Hope
Rejoicing in life

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